
Chief Facts Concerning What Mist Spray Tan Does

By Haywood Hunter

Caucasians have a hallmark pale skin. Some people point out that the main reason for this is because they live in areas where the sunlight is weak. Evolution hence did not see the need to bless them with melanin, the darkening agent found in other races, especially Africans. Of course why they do is open to debate, and so most opt to use artificial color such as a mist spray tan to darken up their skin just a little bit.

Most people who go for the artificial mist spray tan are extremely pale skinned and have good reason not to sunbath. This is a term often used to illustrate the spending of hours by someone under the sunshine in order to get a brown skin. These individuals have probably suffered from sunburn as a result of this, and consider natural browning synonymous to a painful experience.

Artificial tanning techniques are actually of major benefit to those who choose to use them, and are a great alternative to sun-basking. This is because trying to get tanned by sitting long hours under the sun has been associated with serious long term effects. These include the danger of sunburns, heat stroke, and more seriously, skin cancer through exposure to harmful radiation. A mist spray tan helps to avoid these ills.

Tanning by use of a mist spray tan works by spraying a specially formulated moisture onto the body. Most high-end salons and spas offer private booths where full body spraying can be done. The mist spray tan sprays can either be oil or water based, depending on the booths. People with sensitive skins should opt for water based sprays.

Spraying is done in special booths which allow for privacy so that the whole body is sprayed. The mechanism for application is quite easy to understand and follow but is best left to the professionals. They will advise the client on the most appropriate type of mist spray tan to use, and also the best level of darkening to suit that individual.

There are different types of mist spray tan available in the market. This allows the consumer to choose the most suitable level of darkening for their skin. However, very pale people should avoid going for very dark tans as they will appear unnatural, despite the quality of the colorant. A patch test on a small area of skin will guide one as to an appropriate strength to use.

The effect of the mist spray tan is temporary and may last for up to about five days. The reason is that only the top layer of skin is dyed and this usually sheds off naturally to allow for emergence of new skin. When it sheds, one will need another tanning session to maintain the new color. Dry skin also sheds much faster and therefore to slow the process of shedding, frequent use of a moisturizer is indicated.

The DHA used in the mist spray tan is FDA approved, making it safe to use on humans as long as it is applied on the skin. The FDA however has also advised users to protect their eyes, noses, and mouths while applying the mist. This is to protect them against known risk of inhaling this chemical.

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